When your 6-year old child is diagnosed with cancer   

I had always thought that the first intense talk I would have with my daughter would be about her Boyfriend or about drinking. But here I was, by her bedside, holding her tiny hands talking about cancer? I looked into her eyes as she cried. She was scared! She didn’t want to go for surgery, she just wanted to go back home.

Candid Conversations-Kenya

On December 18th, 2011 4:22pm, my baby girl Claire was born. The real feeling of becoming a father can never be expressed in words but somehow I will try and land that plane on this piece of paper. It is a Fulfilling, Frustrating, Terrifying, Wonderful, Exhausting, and Hilarious experience while surrounded by the purest form of love. I had dreamed of becoming a father for a very long time in my life and finally, it was upon me. Did I have what it takes to properly handle this?

The Calm Before the Storm.

October 24th, 2017, at around 1:30pm, I was walking back to my desk after enjoying my lunch with my colleagues. Claire’s class teacher called and she mentioned that Claire had grazed her knee during her lunch break. The wound was pretty deep and she needed a couple of stitches, but I was assured that there was no…

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